Aħbar tajba | Shenzhen Zuowei Technology Won 2022 US Muse Gold Award
Recently, the 2022 US MUSE Design Awards (MUSE Design Awards) officially announced the results of the winners, as the technology as the intelligent care robot in the fierce competition stood out, won the 2022 US MUSE Gold Award. Dan huwa premju internazzjonali wara w ...Aqra iktar - Riċentement, ir-rebbieħa tal-Premjijiet tad-Disinn Tajjeb Ewropew tal-2022 (European Good Design Awards) ġew imħabbra uffiċjalment. With innovative product design and excellent product performance, Zuowei Technology's Intelligent Urinary and Fecal Care Robot stood out among many internation...Aqra iktar
Zuowei Technology Intelligent Care Robot rebaħ il-Premju tad-Disinn tal-Prodott 2022 Ġermanja Red Dot Award
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Il-Futur huwa promettenti - SHENZHEN ZUOWEI TEKNOLOĠIJA Medica 2022 Vjaġġ għal Konklużjoni ta 'Suċċess
Fis-17 ta 'Novembru, il-54 wirja medika internazzjonali Medica f'Düsseldorf, il-Ġermanja, waslet għal konklużjoni ta' suċċess. More than 4,000 medical industry-related companies from all over the world gathered on the banks of the Rhine River, and the world's latest high prec...Aqra iktar